Horace M Keown
Birth date:
ABT 1891
Birth place:
, , ,
Death date:
  15 AUG 1942
Death place:
  Buried At The Keown Family Buriall Plot In Cedar Hill Cemetery, Scottsboro, Alabama, United States

Keown Family

Father: Nathaniel Green Keown
Mother: Frances Gordon Vernoy
Spouse: Hattie Mae Byron
Pearle Lee Keown
Marshall Gordon Keown
Florence Gordon Keown
Horace M Keown
Gilbert G Keown
Marshal Gordon Keown
Gilbert Green Keown
Pearl Keown
Gypsy Seville Keown
Gypsy Lavelle Keown
Horace Milton Keown
Living Keown
Nathaniel Keown
JoAnn Mozelle Keown
Ramona Zane Keown
Twin of David Keown